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The Conscious Mirror
A book about states of consciousness and perceptions of reality.
Consciousness exists but is not material.
When science studies material things, it uses material instruments and observational techniques to understand them. For, example, to find out what the time period of a pendulum depends on, a timer and a metre scale are required.
So, how would science study something that is not material? One obvious way would be to use instruments and observational techniques that are not material.
There was a time, about 2500 years ago, when an intense desire to understand consciousness drove seekers like the Buddha, and others like him, to experiment with consciousness using their minds, yoga, meditation and samadhi as instruments. They were investigators, not saints, and what they found was practical psychophysics that produces useable results. In that age, this new 'technology' of the mind was taught in universities, until the universities and the books dealing with the subject were destroyed by human conflict and disappeared into the mists of time.
One graduate textbook on the subject survived into the 21st century. It was written around 250BCE by a teacher called Haritayan. I felt I owed it to this teacher from 2500 years ago to make a synopsis of his work for audiences of the 21st century.
I think you will find this book interesting if you have an interest in philosopy, physics, other sciences, psychology, education, history and an interest in consciousness in general.
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