Published books
Here are all my published books. Some are easy to find, some not and some are out of print. You can usually find them all on Amazon websites, in whatever country you are searching from. If not, try Amazon.com and see if they will ship it to you. If you click on the book cover image below, it will take you to the site I could find in April, 2021. Then, there are eBookstores of all kinds and you can look there. There is a miraculous website called bookdepository. com that will ship books free of cost, to anywhere. They can take upto a month to get you the book though. All the best and thanks for looking....
An account of one of the largest experiments in children's education in the world. The experiment that went on to define what 21st century education should be like.
This is a new edition of the out of print (2006) version of the original story of the hole-in-the-wall experiments. It is updated to 2021 but also contains the entire text of the original book. James Tooley wrote the preface for the original book.
A 60-page handbook for educators, teachers and parents for children's education during and after the pandemic of 2020.
Published in 2021, this book contains 15 ideas about the attitudes we, adults, should have about children's education. There are many examples for use in homes and classrooms and also instructions for how to set up and conduct a SOLE, a Sell Organized Learning Environment.
A complete account of the School in the Cloud experiments funded by my million dollar TED prize of 2013. Seven Schools in the Cloud and their stories of frustration, failure and immense success. This is the book where I articulated the future of learning as far as I could see. It is full of practical examples and experiences from all over the world - the story of a new world emerging. John Hattie wrote the Foreword for this book.
Originally published as a eBook on TED books, this book is now available in print as well as online. It describes the events after the hole-in-the-wall experiments of 1999-2005. In it you will find the discovery of Self Organized Learning Environments, SOLEs as they will be later called, in the schools of Gateshead, England. These were experiments from which the idea of learning as the emergence of spontaneous order in an educational self-organizing system were suggested. Nicholas Negroponte wrote the preface to this TED book. There was a great deal of interest in this little book during and after the pandemic of 2019. In this current edition, I have added a section on the massive changes the world has seen and how the methods described here can help with education in the emerging future.
I wrote this book, or should I say assembled it, with some hesitation. It is a synopsis of a text book from 2300 years ago, written in Sanskrit by a man called Haritayan, obviously a teacher in some ancient university. The book is about the realization of the Self and I was impressed by its instructional design and clarity of thought. It was, to me, not a book about religion or theology, but about the psychophysics of consciousness. It describes a theory of reality based on non-dualism. I was moved by it and felt I owed it to the unknown Haritayan to bring it to a 21st century audience. I made a short synopsis of the book and added a part with the original Sanskrit text and an English translation by Ramanand Saraswathi. A reader may gain a lot from it.
This book was writte in 2002 and is often used as a textbook in universities. I had thought that in the fast moving world of computer science, it's contents would become obsolete but that has not happened until 2021! I think this just goes to show that certain fundamental ideas are timeless, no matter how quickly the technology that uses them may change.