Links to the "Hole in the wall" experiments and related work:
(This is, by no means, an exhaustive list. I don't update it often. This page is just for a quick overview)
2001 The earliest paper
2003 The next follow up paper
2005 The main paper
2006 Editorial about the paper above
2007 The paper on remoteness
2009 The paper on remote teaching
2010 The paper on Kalikuppam
2011: Developing a curriculum based on SOLEs
2012 Paper on Uruguay children
2012 Paper on collaboration amongst distance learners
2013 SOLEs in England, a qualitative study
2014 The Gateshead experiments that led to SOLEs
2014 The Future of Schooling
2006 eGovmonitor article
2006 NKUL talk at Trondheim, Norway
2008 Infonomia article
2009 Seb Schmoller's article on the talk at Google, London
2009 Guardian article
2009 Times Education Supplement article
2009 CNN video and article
2010 Guardian article
2010 Another Guardian article
2009 Guardian article
2010 Telegraph article
2010 Christian Science Monitor article
2010 BBC article
2010 Written by me for Guardian Education section
2011 Wall Street Journal article by Matt Ridley
2012 TED Book: Beyond the Hole In The Wall
2012 Independent, UK, article 30 April 2012
2012 Leonardo Award 2012
2012 Global Educator Award2012
2012 SOLE setup school learner pack 2012
2013 The TED Prize
2013 A SOLE tookit for schools, parents, organisers etc.
2013 Wiredmagazine article
2012 Telegraph article
2013 BBC report on TED Prize
2013 Article in Time
2013 Forbes article
2013 Times of India article
2013 New York Times article
2013 National Geographic article
2013 Washington Post article
2013 My article in the Observer
2013 Telegraph Calcutta article
2013 Telegraph UK interview
2013 Wired magazine article
2018 Tiching blog
Lots of talks all together
2007 Google video of talk at LIFT 07
2007 The same talk as above in TED talks2010 TED Global talk at Oxford, 20102010 ALT-C 2010 Keynote
2010 BBC Culture Show extract - 25 november 2010
2011 BBC: The Gateshead Granny Cloud
2011 A SOLE session at the Washington International School in February 2011
2011 Google Zeitgeist 2011, London
2011 Interview in Uruguay
2012 Media Lab lecture
2012 Three minute talk filmed at MediaLab
2012 BBC film on Gurjola 1
2012 BBC film on Gurjola 2
2012 21st Century Education Conference, Hong Kong
2012 BBC article of 30 April 2012
2012 Video from GOOD, June 2012
2012 Ericsson's video October 2012
2013 The TED prize talk
2013 UNESCO interview
2013 Euronews interview
2013 Online talk at RSCON4
2019 End of Knowing - conversation
2020 University of Kansas conversation
2020 Toddle Ties Keynote
Other related websites:
A Game of Cows and Bulls:https://www.cevesm.com/bullsandcows